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Ask: Transform Imperfect’s content from an early-stage startup to trusted (and beloved) food waste resource.

Strategic Approach: Imperfect is a home-grown Bay Area brand committed to making it easy for people to change the world, one box of curvy carrots and small potatoes at a time. However, expansion to an online grocer would mean more and different stories to tell, and more and different people to help. So instead of becoming another recipe account, we used content to empower people to eat the change they wanted to see in the world. 

Using the adage “give a man a fish and he’ll eat for day, teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for life,” we developed an ecosystem of digital content that empowered people to use more of what they found in their boxes and celebrate the small steps they could take at home to reduce their waste. Imperfections became teaching moments and we turned food into infographics that showed users how to store, cook, and season every misshapen but delicious vegetable. Maintaining our “Seriously Delightful” brand voice, we used the humor and playfulness of memes to talk about important food waste topics, like the impact on farmers, climate change, and food accessibility.

Community was our number one priority, as our daily posts, tweets, and newsletters welcomed people into the family and made them feel like they were part of a movement much larger than themselves. We turned to this community for their own expertise and continuously surveyed them to understand their habits, wants, and needs, developing two e-cookbooks based on their questions and family-loved recipes. This community rallied around Imperfect and spread its gospel of food waste, even as the brand expanded to packaged and “perfect” food.

Role: Content Strategist and Copywriter

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